- www.csmimplant.com
- País: Corea del Sur
CSM es un fabricante de implantes fundado en Corea del Sur en 2000. Ofrece una gama de 12 implantes nivel óseo y nivel de tejido de forma cónico, recto y ápice cónico. Se distribuye en más de 4 países. La empresa tiene su sede en Daegu, Corea del Sur.
Aditamentos compatibles
Especifique para qué modelo de implante está buscando componentes:
Aditamentos compatibles con CSM®:
Cofias de impresión, Análogos de los implantes , Pilares, Pilares multi-unit rectos , Scanbodies, Bases de titanio, Locator, Locator R-TX, Pilares de bolas, Tornillos, Destornilladores.
Disponible para diferentes plataformas.
Founded in 2000 by Prof. Sungam Cho, a professor of Department of Prosthodontics in the College of Dentistry of Kyung-pook National University, CSM Implant is a leading provider of high quality dental products and services in a clean and safe production environment. Its team of experienced dentists and dental specialists are devoted to discovering innovation in the dental implant system. CSM Implant places a priority on meeting both dentists' and patients' expectations with a better implant system based on extensive research and development experience. The dental implants are uniquely designed to minimize potential damage to teeth, such as loss of surrounding teeth, migration of teeth and teeth structure loss.
CSM Implant is dedicated to producing products that are superior in quality, but still reasonable in price, while providing user-friendly service. To ensure the highest level of satisfaction in terms of esthetics and functionality, CSM Implant continually develops clean and safe implant systems with an earnest heart.
The company has been recognized for its excellence, having been awarded an Excellent Firm Certificate by the Head of Kyung-pook Uni. Techno Park, obtaining CFDA approval from China Food and Drug Administration, being granted a Certificate of “Promising Export Firm” by Daegu-Gyeongbuk Export Center, SMBA, obtaining FAD approval, SFDA approval, INNO BIZ approval in Korea, Russia FDA approval, a “Promising export firm” Certification from the Small & Medium Business Administration (SMBA), KGMP approval from KFDA & Korea Testing Laboratory, and a R&D Center Certificate from KOITA.
Servicios de Spotimplant
Nuestra tecnología de IA identifica su implante dental a partir de una simple radiografía periapical.
Toda la información técnica y catálogos de todos los modelos están disponibles en nuestra base de datos.
Centralizamos toda la información sobre compatibilidades y le ayudamos a encontrar proveedores, incluso para implantes que ya no están en el mercado.